Monday, December 5, 2011


This article is about college students picking easier majors even though they might lose out on some money. The article tells the story of a girl whose parents and guidence counslor thought that their student should major in engineering when she were to go to college. So, she listened and decided to major in engineering. She would later drop out due to the rigorous courses and low grades that she was getting. Then after doing some research, she found out that not many students graduate from college who have that major and then saw that people who major in human relations have a higher graduation percentage but don't make as much money. In the end, she saw that it was worth switching majors and after that, graduated college and has been working in human relations.

People are getting lesser degrees because they realize that their high school didn't really prepare them for the next level. Or maybe they picked the wrong major and they realize that if they were to switch majors then, they don't need a degree as big and can get a job in the real world with a lesser degree. This will eventually means that people will not need to go to college to get a well paying job. So, college will be almost out of the question.

They say that salaries are in the better jobs versus ones that graduates are taking are beacuse, when graduates just get out of college, they go right into the field they desire but they maybe aren't at the level that they want to and therefore must wait, work hard and hope for a promotion. When if people are just taking a job that they can get, they may not have to work as hard and might go right into a higher level with a high salary.

In my opinion, I still think that people should go to college and get a degree. You never know when it would really help you. And before going to college, really think about what you want to major in. Because, you don't want to major in one thing, realize it is not the right thing for you, and switch majors and that college not have the best program for that major.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Finally, once again, we have a topic of our choice. It has a been a while, I know. But today is the first day back since Thanksgiving break and that was a well needed break. Thanksgiving was awesome to say the least. The food was just off the hook. I ate so much food that day, that when it was time for pie, I skipped out on it and waited for the next morning. Even then I had second thoughts on eating it. I went for the pie anyway and it was well worth it. The football on Thanksgiving was alright. Sort of disappointed that the Lions lost but the NFC doesn't matter. Then the game that everyone was looking forward to, 49ers vs Ravens, wasn't even as good as I thought it would have been. Overall though, Thanksgiving was an awesome day just like it is every single year.

Besides Thanksgiving, there isn't much to talk about concerning the break. It was really just a break for me to relax and catch up on all the sleep that I lose due to this school. One day, I slept til one in the afternoon. I was somewhat disappointed in myself considering most of my day was already gone. Now, I have to come back to the wonderful PRHS for two and a half weeks and then its Christmas break and that is just going to be awesome. More on that as we near that break.

The Patriots won yesterday, no suprise there considering that they are the best team to ever play in the NFL. They beat the so called "dream team" in the Eagles. The game started out really rough. The Eagles got off to a quick 10-0 lead. But after that, the Pats caught fire. Making it 24-13 at one point and then 31-13 and then 38-13 and then letting up a late touchdown to make the final score 38-20 Patriots improving their record to 8-3 and first place in AFC. Although the Pats may get the first seed for the second year in a row, you still have to be worried since they have not won a playoff game in 3 years. That could all change this year though.

Baseball conditioning starts tomorrow. I'm stoked. haven't played in a long time but this year, I'm making my comeback. Just call me Kenny Powers. I predict after this season, I'll go right into the MLB draft and just totally skip college and win the Rookie of the Year my first year and then the CY Young every year until I retire. More information on that as the season progresses and the offers start coming in.

Well, nice speaking to you all again. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year, we don't know when I will have another free topic. Stay Classy Blogger!

Monday, November 14, 2011


This article is about wheather or not college athletes should get paid for what they do. For years, the argument has been out there but now in days, it is much louder. More and more people are voicing their opinion on the matter and more and more people are saying that they shoud get paid in some way. Wheather it is getting a full ride, having certain expenses paid for, or simply getting paid for their part in the game. Though many people think that it is well deserved, the NCAA officials disagree. Saying that it is unfair to the schools who don't draw in a large sum of money from athletics. Also, some NCAA officials say that they chance of the players being repaid in some way is "not even on the table."

Throughout, the article takes the side that athletes should be paid or recieve benefits in some way. The article gives multiple examples of people who think that they players deserve benefits and high ranking positions in there job that are affiliated with the NCAA. Though it may show some ways that benefiting the players is bad, it mainly shows ways that it is good.

In my opinion, the athletes shouldn't be paid. Most of these athletes have a full ride scholarship because of their athletic ability. What more can they ask for? There is no way that they can get the full ride and get paid for playing the game. That is just not right. But if that were to happen, then I would say they would have to get rid of their full ride due to the fact that the money that they are making, can go to their tuition.

Players should get paid because of the amount of money a school brings in for sporting events. Just a college football game alone brings in thousands of dollars. Then you have basketball, baseball, ect. that is a lot of money. That money could then be turned around and used to pay the players for all their hard work that they have put in to make that certain sports program what it is.

But as I said before, I don't think that the players should be paid. They already get so many benefits on campus that paying them would only give them more power and anger others. Also, deciding how much to pay these althletes would be a big deal. You aren't going to pay the womens basketball team the same as the football team. It just isn't fair. Also, not paying these players makes them appreciate when the make it to the pros more. Say a player gets paid $1 million for playing quaterback at the University of Florida. Then he gets drafted the NFL and his contract offer is $750,000 for his first year. The player is going to be upset and not want to do his best when he got paid higher at a lower level. If that same player didn't get paid in college and got offered the same contract in the NFL, he would appreciate a lot more and do his best to get a higher paying salary.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Finally, we have a blog with a topic of our choice. It has been a long time since I have come back to my fellow followers and I just want to say that if feels good to be back. In case you were wondering, I am doing great. Life has been so good and there is just too much for me to tell all of you guys. But I will try and fit in as much as I possibly can for all of you guys.

To begin with, this year I am now a senior. I can’t even believe it. It feels as if just yesterday I
was a freshman and starting my first blog. But it has been 4 years since I have started this world-known blog. As for my senior year, so far it has been better than I have ever thought. We just had our senior assembly to vote for senior class superlatives, class song, flower, colors modo, ect. As for our song, it is an awful song and is very cliché. Our song that won is “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. Honestly, it is a good song, I love it, but it is not a class song. It is something too cliché. Our flower is the teal rose, which is not even real, and our colors are teal, black and gold although it really should be red, white, and blue. But on a better note, I might be winning the “best all-around” senior superlative. So I am pretty excited about that. Hopefully I
get it. A lot of people voted for me.

The NFL season has started and is has been awesome to say the least. The Patriots are having an alright season at the moment. They are sitting at 5-3 with two straight losses to the Steelers and the Giants. It was a rough 2 weeks. But deep down, I know they will get it together and finish the season a top the AFC East one again and advance to the playoffs. Only difference is that this time, they are going to the Superbowl and are going to win it all.

This school year, I have made a lot of new friends. Considering that a large part of my friends last year were seniors, I was forced this year to go out and make new friends that were in my grade. It in the long run was a good choice considering that I have lost contact with some of my friends that went off to college. I still keep in touch with the ones that matter. But as for my new friends, they are great. I can honestly say that as the group of friends that I have this year, is better than the group of friends that I had last year. Last year, I was one of 2 juniors in our group and at times, it was awkward. But now, we are all seniors and get along. Although I am still making friends with juniors. That is the lowest I will go . No FRESHMAN. NO SOPHMORES.

So it has been great catching up with you guys. I hope that I can stay in touch more throughout the year with the “topic of your choice” blog. Stay Classy Blogger!

Monday, October 31, 2011


This article is about the ways to study and which method is more effective. Throghout the article, there are multiple ways of how students in all different levels of schools study. It points out that the "all-nighter" is actually a very bad idea considering the fact that you lack sleep and pulling the "all-nighter" actually results in lower grades. Along with the types of studying, you also get to see some the numbers from research that show how effective or ineffective some the studying habits are. Some may actually surprise you in how effective they are. Some methods that you would never see as helpful, actually are.

Once I leave high school I expect my studying habits to become very imporatnt to me. As of right now, I don't study a whole lot. Depending on the class and how well I think I know the material says if I study or not. But once I leave high school and go to college, I fully expect to study like never before. Since I would like to do well in college, I know that I will have to study sometimes even if it means sacrificing a few good times with my friends or missing out on other things. Because if I don't do well in college, (1) my parents would not be happy with me, and (2), how can I be taken seriously in the real world if I didn't do well in college?

Like I said before, depending on if I think I know the material or not alters whether I study or not. But when I study, I usually look over my notes and the key points that the teacher has made to us up until the test. Nothing else more than that. Because I know that if I took it in my notes, and I was paying attention to the teachers, then I should be able to pass the test/quizzes that are thrown my way.

Students are encouraged to study by their grades. If students take the time to study, then their grade will show it. Simply just turning in your classwork will not get you the grade that you want. You must pass the tests and quizzes and the only way to do that is by studying. If you study, you get a good grade on the tests, and if you get a good grade on the tests, than you get the grade that you want in the class, It is a simple science.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


In a general sense, this article is about college. But it goes into much more detail. For the most part it talks about the expenses of college. How some students don't make the right decision in college and end up not being able to graduate. So while the article talks about that, it goes into more depth to help you choose the right college so that you can succeed later on in life after you graduate. Like the article says, people like to hear that they have a 90% chance of succeeding rather than a 10% chance of losing.

Colleges are going "postive" with their advertising because people throughout society are starting to realzie that college is somewhat of a rip off. It is way too expensive and for the money that you pay, it is not worth it. There is no guarentee that you will pass or that you will ultimately succeed later on in life. But if the colleges advertised more positivly, than maybe it would sway people and they will get more applicants.

Though some colleges may benefit you down the road, right now, they are too expensive. You would have to take out student loans and then end up having to pay them back in the future. And that could put you in debt with the amount of money that is costs to go to college. I know that I want to go to Boston College. But it costs over $50,000 a year for students who are coming from out of state. Though it will benefit me down that road, it is way too expensive and down the road, I will probably be in debt.

Students are encouraged to do research on colleges to find out which ones are most suitable for them. Just because you like their football team, or school colors does not mean that they are the right place for you. If you do research, you may find a college that will benefit you just as much as the other but at a much cheaper price. Students are encouraged not to make rational decisions when it comes to colleges.

As for me, I plan on becoming a sports of movie agent. So, I must research the schools in the state that will help me the most. Eventually, if I want to persue this career, I will have to go to law school and I have to see, what college has the best law school so that I can become the agent that I would like to be in the future.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Article 1

The first article that I chose might come as a surprise for some. It deals with the fact that the Boston Red Sox owner, John Henry, actually was opposed to signing big time free agent Carl Crawford this past off season. After signing Crawford, the all-star left fielder had a more than disappointing season. On Friday, the Red Sox owner came out and spoke to the media, being the Crawford situation as a main point in the press conference. Henry said that he was actually opposed to signing Crawford due to the fact the the Sox already had plenty of left handed hitting. Henry went on to say that that aspect of the game is not his to deal with . That is up to now former General Manager, Theo Epstein. Continuing on, Henry said that the Crawford signing was not a PR move and neither was the Adrian Gonzalez signing. This could be in the heat of the moment but I highly doubt that. With all the money that the Sox have spent in the last two years, totaling up to nearly $400 million on 3 players, you can see that the owner John Henry would be upset at the fact that the team has not made the playoffs in two straight years, a troubling sight for an owner. With GM Epstein gone, I took this as a "I told you so" type of thing. Saying that he (John Henry) knew what he was talking about in the sense that the Crawford signing was a bad idea. It will be interesting to see how the Crawford signing plays out in the next 6 years of his $142 million dollar contract.

Article 2
Yesterday after the great game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Detroit Lions, the intensity was still not over. After a tremendous game that had the 49ers coming out on top 25-19, not the players, but the two head coaches of the two teams got into it with one another. After time had run out in the 4th quarter, giving San Fran the win, 49ers head coah, Jim Hardbough was pumped. So happy that his team had beat the undefeated Lions that he was jumping up and down from excitement. As the two coaches went to shake one anothers hand in the middle of the field, the 49ers coach was still on his winning high. Instead to just nicely shaking the hand of the Lions head coach, he jumped, slapped his hand, while yelling. Almost gloating in a way to the Lions that they are no longer undefeated. After that scene, the 49ers coach went jogging into the lockeroom as any other coach would. Out of no where came the Lions head coach, purposly running into him and bring up his concerns. As the coaches started talking, it quickly escalated to arguing and then it got physical. The two coaches and some players had to be restrained. Since the incident, the NFL has released a statement that they will review the actions of each coach and then take it from threre. I expect a fine for each coach, proabably a little bit heftier one the the 49ers coach considering his actions started all this.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It has been a while since we have had a blog topic of our choice and if you have been following my blog, I would just like to take this time and apologize for the fact that my blogs have been very boring the past few weeks. If you would like to contact someone with a complaint on this matter, feel free to email Mr. Alves. You can find his email on the Volusia County Schools website. He is the Sports Marketing teacher here at Pine Ridge. He just give us a blog topic on McDonalds that came out probably 3 years ago and he just keeps using them over and over again each and every year. So please, if you really love this blog and want to read more about me talking about things that you really want to hear about things that matter instead of reading about the release of the Big Mac. This is just my take on things. If you guys like hearing about the evolution of the McDonalds salad, then that is fine. But I know for a fact that a good percentage of the people who read this blog don’t want to hear about boring things like that. They want to hear about the good stuff in life and enjoy a Big Mac (that has been out for years now) while they read my blog.

BREAKING NEWS: Justin Theiler (SCRUBS) has a toupee. Now this has been a speculation since freshman year, but now we can confirm that it is in fact true and he is bald under the fake hair. How do we know this you ask? We have no evidence what so ever but we do know that a lot of other people think the same thing that we do. In fact, I think the only person who does not think that Scrubs has a toupee, is the man himself. He is in denial about it, which is understandable. We all know that there is no chance in the world that he will come out and just say that he has a toupee, but we all can wish for that day. But to be logical, we all know that it will never happen. We all love Justin Theiler with a passion and wish him the best in this tough time. This is kind of awkward since he doesn’t know that everyone and their mother know, but we wish him the best during this time. I don’t know how the false hair does not move but it does. It is some crazy stuff.

In other news, I feel like I must tell you guys this. As you know, Lil Wayne is going on tour and will stopping but the Orlando area for a show Now at first, I had complete intentions on going to the show and having a blast with an arena full of black people and my 3 white friends. But recently I went to a Pitbull show at Universal’s Mardi Gras and after experiencing that, I came to the conclusion that the Lil Wayne concert was probably not the best place for me that this time in my life. I do really want to go but I have to face the fact in that it would not be a good place for me. I just don’t belong in that type of atmosphere. In simpler terms, it is not my “cup of tea.” I would just like to wish everyone who is going a great time and to be safe. There could be some dangerous things going on and I don’t want you guys getting involved in that.

Thank you very much for reading this blog. I don’t know if or when we will have another free topic but I will try to not bore you next week when I talk about how to cut a lawn.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Article 1
The first article is about the school lunch food. The school lunch system is for the lack of a better word, horrible. Some kids in Matanzas are just getting French fries for lunch some days with a juice, milk, or soda. But this all could be changing. The government, not only in Florida, has made new standards for the way that school lunch is served and what they must serve. Things such as French Fries could be totally vanished from your school’s cafeteria. This whole plan with the school lunch was an Obama administration idea. One of his goals is to prevent childhood obesity. That is one of the “changes” that he wanted to make but that is for another subject. The fact is, that schools lunches are going to path to get healthier and better for your son/daughter.

Article 2
The Stetson Hatters baseball team has started the season 5-0 and clinched the fifth win against Maine. The starting pitcher for Stetson was Lindsey Caughel. He pitched 7 2/3 innings, allowing only 1 run of four hits while striking out an astonishing eight batters. This Stetson won the game and now will host Maine tonight and then again on Thursday with both games starting at six-thirty. This is one of the best starts that Stetson has had in a while and are playing outstanding baseball. When the Hatters clinched their fifth win, it was a long hard battle and was a very intense pitching battle with Stetson eventually coming out on top. Hopefully Stetson can keep up the good work. We will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The first article is about Red Sox outfielder Mike Cameron. There are some rumors going around that the Red Sox might trade the veteran outfielder for a cheaper option or a younger, fourth outfielder. On the first day of spring training, Cameron was asked his thoughts on the possibility of him leaving Boston after just one year. Cameron came out and said that he does not want to leave. He doesn't want to go to a worse team and have the same role that he has there in Boston. Cameron went on to say that Boston has treated him right and that he doesn't want to miss out the chance to win a championship with the new look Red Sox. The Red Sox have aquired two All Stars in Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez. Cameron wants to stay in Boston, have a good year, and hopefully, win a championship with the team. Rumors have been floating around on the possibility of Cameron being traded to the Arizona Diamondbacks who have not had a good season in years. When asked about the possibility of him going to Arizona, Cameron responded with,"Why would I want to go there and have the same role that I have here in Boston?" Basically, Cameron is saying that he doesn't want to go to a bad team, such as Arizona, and do the same exact thing that he had been doing in Boston. Who knows what will happen the Cameron. He knows that baseball is a business and sometimes you have to do what you have to do to win.

Last night at about 11 o'clock at night a blockbuster trade was done in the NBA. The highlight of the trade was Carmelo Anthony. Melo, had been looking to get out of Denver since the start of the season. Melo knew that his chances of winning a championship in Denver were slim and he really wanted to go. For the past couple weeks, rumors have been flying around of Melo going to the Nets, then the Lakers, and now a deal has been done. But it is not with either of those two teams. Melo was dealt to the New York Knicks last night. Along with Melo going to New York is Denver teammate Chauncey Billups. Melo and Billups will be teaming up with the new Knick in Amare Stodimare. Billups is way past his prime but with those 3 teaming up, teams in the east have a reason to be concerned. In my opinion, I don't think this was a good deal on the Knicks part. After this trade, they now have no one to back up Melo, Amare, or Billups which could cause for a problem. These players might get tired quickly and it could affect their play. We will jsut have to wait and see how the Knicks turn out to be in a few months and possibly, see them in the playoffs?

Monday, February 14, 2011


This article is about the start of McDonalds and all of the things that McDonals has started trying or testing throughout the years. Also, it talks about all of the changes the restaurant has made throughout the years such as free Wi-Fi, double lane drive throught, and keeping restaurants open 24 hours. Things that they have tried and have not made it include, oven baked sandwiches and pizza. But things that habve been tested and have turned out to be hits include things such as coffee, smoothies, oatmeal, and apple dippers. McDonalds continues to try new things as the biggest restaurant chain in America.
Some of the good things that McDonalds is doing in a bad economy include, free Wifi and keeping some stores open 24 hours to raise profits.
McDonalds is popular because it is simply the best and tastes amazing. If it did not taste that good, people would not even it. It is also popular because it continues to revolutionize the restaurant world.
Some people refuse to eat at McDonalds because to be totally honest, it is really not all that healthy of good for you. People now in days want to be fit and skinny and they can't afford to be eating McDonalds every day of their lives. So what McDonalds is doing is serving new healthy alternatives such as salads, wraps, fruit, and smoothies so that people trying to loose weight can still enjoy McDonalds.

To start your own McDonalds franchise, you must fill out the franchies application on their website but in order to do that you must have owned a successful business already. Next you have to have the funds. Opening a McDonals could cost you anywhere from $500,000 to 1.5 milion. Next you need to apply for a business loan from you bank. Fourth, you need at least 20 employees to open the business at first. Then you must recieve training at the McDonalds headquarters for at least a week. And lastly get you name out there.
To start a Wendys franchise it would cost you about $250,000 to $600,000. To start a BK franchise it would cost you $1,200,000 to $2,800,000. And for a 5 Guys, it would cost you $200,000 to $500,000. I would rather open a 5 Guys than all of the other places considering the food at 5 Guys is a lot better than the food at McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendys. Everything is so much fresher and you can just tell from the way that the food tastes. Even though the menu at 5 Guys offeres a lot less, but if you have that then you dont have to do all different things. You have a certain amount of things and that is it. Great way to run a business.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Article 1
Tonight the Miami Heat play the Atlanta Hawks. As you may know, the Heat's "Big 3" are all out with an injury of some sort. But tonight that will change for the Heat as one of their star players will return to the starting lineup.
Dwayne Wade will come back into the starting lineup tonight. He has been out for a week or so with a sore right knee and the Heat have really missed him along with his fellow teammates in LeBron James and Chris Bosh.
Wade says that he will be playing no matter what. So what he is basically saying is that even if his leg is falling off, he will be out there playing against the Hawks. Now that is a real team player. The man will do anything for his team. What a guy!
Wade's counter part in LeBron James will actually be a game time decision tonight. James has missed a few games due to a sprained ancle that he hurt a few games back. He has not been in since the middle of last week and that has really effected the Heat. Hopefully he can go tonight and help his team to another victory over the Atlanta Hawks.
Wade's other counter part however will not be in the game tonight. Bosh will miss tonights game due to his sprained ankle. Bosh hurt his ankle towards the end of last week and is still in some pain which therefore will keep him out of the game tonight. Haslem is expected to start for Bosh tonight and the rest of the time that he is out. Lets all hope that Bosh can come back soon so that the Heats' "Big 3" will be back on the court together and winning games once again!

2nd Article
Josh McDaniels might have a job coming up. As you know he was recently fired from the Denver Broncos after a 15-22 record with the team in one and a half years. The team that is talking to the fromer New England Patriots Offensive Coordinator is a team that you might not expect to persue him after the comeback year they had this year.
That team is the going for McDaniels is the St. Louis Rams. That is very surprising considering the fact that the Rams have had one of their best seasons in a while. I say this because MsDaniels was not very good as a head coach and could ruin the Rams like he did to the Denver Broncos. If you don't remember the Broncos started off 6-0 last year only to finish the year at a record of 8-8.
This is only the first of many head coach hirings that are set to happen this offseason. A lot of coaches were fired. More than any other year in that fact. The Raiders, Cowboys, Vikings, Broncos, Browns, and others all fired their coach at the end of season or in the beggining. It is just astonishing how that happens. Lets just wish everyone luck as they move foreward in their coaching careers.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Police are looking for three armed thieves in a dramatic robbery at the Dollar General in Holly Hill.
The robbers all wore hooded jackets and walked into the store at Sixth Street and Ridgewood Avenue before 10 p.m. Sunday, police said. They demanded that the two employees lie down on the floor. One of the suspects pressed his gun to the head of one of the women.
Two of the robbers then tried to open the store safe and when they couldn't, they threatened the employees, police said. One of the clerks said she could open the safe if she were allowed to get up. When she couldn't open the safe immediately, the robbers accused her of trying to lock it, police said.
She got the safe open, then one of the men began grabbing cash. The suspects then ordered the employees to open three registers in the store, one of the men pressing his weapon against the same woman's head and saying, "If we get what we want, I won't kill you," police said.
After the robbers grabbed all the cash from the registers, they told the women to stay on the ground, and then left. Witnesses told police they saw the trio head east and get into a car driven by a fourth person.
Surveillance video captured all three entering the store, police said, and it's possible the men could be linked to another armed robbery at a Dollar General in South Daytona a few weeks ago.
Anyone with information is asked to call Holly Hill police, 386-248-9475.

Monday, January 3, 2011


So, this is my first blog since like the first day of school. Maybe not the first day of school but in a long time. I am personally happy that we actually we actually happy that we have a blog and makes it 10 times better that it is a topic of our choice. I honestly think that we haven't had a blog in weeks for the simple fact that Alves just didn't want to grade the things. He was way too lazy towards the end of the semester that we was just didn't want to do it so, he gave us a project instead. A project in which I did amazing on, but the man gave me a grade that would have me barely make an A in the class. You might be asking yourself, Alves would not do such a thing like that. But let me tell you, it is true. He really does do things like that. He is one of those teachers that like to see your fail and finds it humorus. I don't know about you but that is not how things should be with the teachers and their students.

So over break we went to Kobe for my birthday. By we, I mean my friends and I. It was a grand time and Sean, Danny, Justin, and I became apart of a very exclusive club that night. The CPC. By CPC I mean the "Clean Plate Club." We cleaned our plates of all food. That is quite the accomplishment that a fine establishment such as Kobe Steakhouse. The four of us ordered the steak, chicken, and shrimp and it was outstanding. You might be telling yourself that it is not a big deal, well if you saw the amount of food that they put on your plate, you would be very proud of the four of us. The first one to finish was Justin. He was like a monster. After he showed everyone that he cleaned the plate I told him to lick it and guess what, he did. He licked that thing from top to bottom. Next, Sean fisinshed his plate andt then Dan and then I. But you see, I may have finsished last but I had a system. I waited til the guy was done cooking and then I started eating once everything was on my plate. However, the others ate once they got an item on the plate. So you see, we all took different ways in the whole operation.

We had a holiday during that break. A little holiday that you might have heard of called Christmas. By far, the best holiday ever. I got a lot of things with the standout present of the year being a car. Thats right, I got a car. It is a Dodge Durango that is the color of my I also got clothes, Madden 11 and COD Black Ops for PS3, cash, a new Red Sox hat, a new Johhny Cupcakes iPhone. It was a great Christmas and this break was the best one that I have had yet in my school carreer. I went out everyday and basically only home to sleep. There was not one day that I just sat at home and did nothing. I was always doing something weather it was hanging out with friends or going to the mall with my mom. Whatever day it was, I wasnt home. Crazy stuff...I know. I was off the chain with all the things thatI did over the break. I would tell you everything but there are a few things that are going to prevent me from telling you. They are as follows, (1) it would take up way too much space and you would be reading it forever. (2) I really don't feel like writing anymore than I have to. I know that I have exceeded the minimum word count so......

That is it for this blog. Maybe I will have one by the last day of school who knows. It all depends if Alves wants to grade something for once in his life.