Monday, January 3, 2011


So, this is my first blog since like the first day of school. Maybe not the first day of school but in a long time. I am personally happy that we actually we actually happy that we have a blog and makes it 10 times better that it is a topic of our choice. I honestly think that we haven't had a blog in weeks for the simple fact that Alves just didn't want to grade the things. He was way too lazy towards the end of the semester that we was just didn't want to do it so, he gave us a project instead. A project in which I did amazing on, but the man gave me a grade that would have me barely make an A in the class. You might be asking yourself, Alves would not do such a thing like that. But let me tell you, it is true. He really does do things like that. He is one of those teachers that like to see your fail and finds it humorus. I don't know about you but that is not how things should be with the teachers and their students.

So over break we went to Kobe for my birthday. By we, I mean my friends and I. It was a grand time and Sean, Danny, Justin, and I became apart of a very exclusive club that night. The CPC. By CPC I mean the "Clean Plate Club." We cleaned our plates of all food. That is quite the accomplishment that a fine establishment such as Kobe Steakhouse. The four of us ordered the steak, chicken, and shrimp and it was outstanding. You might be telling yourself that it is not a big deal, well if you saw the amount of food that they put on your plate, you would be very proud of the four of us. The first one to finish was Justin. He was like a monster. After he showed everyone that he cleaned the plate I told him to lick it and guess what, he did. He licked that thing from top to bottom. Next, Sean fisinshed his plate andt then Dan and then I. But you see, I may have finsished last but I had a system. I waited til the guy was done cooking and then I started eating once everything was on my plate. However, the others ate once they got an item on the plate. So you see, we all took different ways in the whole operation.

We had a holiday during that break. A little holiday that you might have heard of called Christmas. By far, the best holiday ever. I got a lot of things with the standout present of the year being a car. Thats right, I got a car. It is a Dodge Durango that is the color of my I also got clothes, Madden 11 and COD Black Ops for PS3, cash, a new Red Sox hat, a new Johhny Cupcakes iPhone. It was a great Christmas and this break was the best one that I have had yet in my school carreer. I went out everyday and basically only home to sleep. There was not one day that I just sat at home and did nothing. I was always doing something weather it was hanging out with friends or going to the mall with my mom. Whatever day it was, I wasnt home. Crazy stuff...I know. I was off the chain with all the things thatI did over the break. I would tell you everything but there are a few things that are going to prevent me from telling you. They are as follows, (1) it would take up way too much space and you would be reading it forever. (2) I really don't feel like writing anymore than I have to. I know that I have exceeded the minimum word count so......

That is it for this blog. Maybe I will have one by the last day of school who knows. It all depends if Alves wants to grade something for once in his life.

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