Tuesday, October 25, 2011


In a general sense, this article is about college. But it goes into much more detail. For the most part it talks about the expenses of college. How some students don't make the right decision in college and end up not being able to graduate. So while the article talks about that, it goes into more depth to help you choose the right college so that you can succeed later on in life after you graduate. Like the article says, people like to hear that they have a 90% chance of succeeding rather than a 10% chance of losing.

Colleges are going "postive" with their advertising because people throughout society are starting to realzie that college is somewhat of a rip off. It is way too expensive and for the money that you pay, it is not worth it. There is no guarentee that you will pass or that you will ultimately succeed later on in life. But if the colleges advertised more positivly, than maybe it would sway people and they will get more applicants.

Though some colleges may benefit you down the road, right now, they are too expensive. You would have to take out student loans and then end up having to pay them back in the future. And that could put you in debt with the amount of money that is costs to go to college. I know that I want to go to Boston College. But it costs over $50,000 a year for students who are coming from out of state. Though it will benefit me down that road, it is way too expensive and down the road, I will probably be in debt.

Students are encouraged to do research on colleges to find out which ones are most suitable for them. Just because you like their football team, or school colors does not mean that they are the right place for you. If you do research, you may find a college that will benefit you just as much as the other but at a much cheaper price. Students are encouraged not to make rational decisions when it comes to colleges.

As for me, I plan on becoming a sports of movie agent. So, I must research the schools in the state that will help me the most. Eventually, if I want to persue this career, I will have to go to law school and I have to see, what college has the best law school so that I can become the agent that I would like to be in the future.

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