Monday, October 31, 2011


This article is about the ways to study and which method is more effective. Throghout the article, there are multiple ways of how students in all different levels of schools study. It points out that the "all-nighter" is actually a very bad idea considering the fact that you lack sleep and pulling the "all-nighter" actually results in lower grades. Along with the types of studying, you also get to see some the numbers from research that show how effective or ineffective some the studying habits are. Some may actually surprise you in how effective they are. Some methods that you would never see as helpful, actually are.

Once I leave high school I expect my studying habits to become very imporatnt to me. As of right now, I don't study a whole lot. Depending on the class and how well I think I know the material says if I study or not. But once I leave high school and go to college, I fully expect to study like never before. Since I would like to do well in college, I know that I will have to study sometimes even if it means sacrificing a few good times with my friends or missing out on other things. Because if I don't do well in college, (1) my parents would not be happy with me, and (2), how can I be taken seriously in the real world if I didn't do well in college?

Like I said before, depending on if I think I know the material or not alters whether I study or not. But when I study, I usually look over my notes and the key points that the teacher has made to us up until the test. Nothing else more than that. Because I know that if I took it in my notes, and I was paying attention to the teachers, then I should be able to pass the test/quizzes that are thrown my way.

Students are encouraged to study by their grades. If students take the time to study, then their grade will show it. Simply just turning in your classwork will not get you the grade that you want. You must pass the tests and quizzes and the only way to do that is by studying. If you study, you get a good grade on the tests, and if you get a good grade on the tests, than you get the grade that you want in the class, It is a simple science.

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