Monday, November 28, 2011


Finally, once again, we have a topic of our choice. It has a been a while, I know. But today is the first day back since Thanksgiving break and that was a well needed break. Thanksgiving was awesome to say the least. The food was just off the hook. I ate so much food that day, that when it was time for pie, I skipped out on it and waited for the next morning. Even then I had second thoughts on eating it. I went for the pie anyway and it was well worth it. The football on Thanksgiving was alright. Sort of disappointed that the Lions lost but the NFC doesn't matter. Then the game that everyone was looking forward to, 49ers vs Ravens, wasn't even as good as I thought it would have been. Overall though, Thanksgiving was an awesome day just like it is every single year.

Besides Thanksgiving, there isn't much to talk about concerning the break. It was really just a break for me to relax and catch up on all the sleep that I lose due to this school. One day, I slept til one in the afternoon. I was somewhat disappointed in myself considering most of my day was already gone. Now, I have to come back to the wonderful PRHS for two and a half weeks and then its Christmas break and that is just going to be awesome. More on that as we near that break.

The Patriots won yesterday, no suprise there considering that they are the best team to ever play in the NFL. They beat the so called "dream team" in the Eagles. The game started out really rough. The Eagles got off to a quick 10-0 lead. But after that, the Pats caught fire. Making it 24-13 at one point and then 31-13 and then 38-13 and then letting up a late touchdown to make the final score 38-20 Patriots improving their record to 8-3 and first place in AFC. Although the Pats may get the first seed for the second year in a row, you still have to be worried since they have not won a playoff game in 3 years. That could all change this year though.

Baseball conditioning starts tomorrow. I'm stoked. haven't played in a long time but this year, I'm making my comeback. Just call me Kenny Powers. I predict after this season, I'll go right into the MLB draft and just totally skip college and win the Rookie of the Year my first year and then the CY Young every year until I retire. More information on that as the season progresses and the offers start coming in.

Well, nice speaking to you all again. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year, we don't know when I will have another free topic. Stay Classy Blogger!

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