Monday, March 26, 2012


The article is about a case where a teenage boy was shot and killed by a 28 year old man who claims it was out of self-defense. The teenage boy's name was Trayvon Martin and the man who shot him was named George Zimmerman. It is believed that Martin was walking to his father's girlfriend's house from a nearby 7-Eleven. Zimmerman was the commutiy watch man who carries a 9mm with a permit. He called 9-1-1 and reported a suspicious behavior. He started following the boy. What happened next seemed unclear. All we know is that the Martin was shot and killed and that Zimmerman has yet to be arrested.

The main issue in the case is race. Martin was a black teenage boy and Zimmerman is a hispanic. Many think that Mr. Zimmerman did this because of the fact that Martin was black, but he claims it was out of self defense. Another issue is that fact that Zimmerman has yet to be arrested. Many people, inluding myself, find it astonishing that a man could shoot and kill someone, and still not be arrested for it.

This is drawing so much national attention because of the fact that many believe that this was a race crime. They think that Zimmerman did this just because the boy was black and because he was black, he was automatically "acting suspicious." Also, the fact that Zimmerman has yet to be arrested is angering some people. How can someone kill someone and not be arrested. At the time, we didn't know that Casey Anthony killed her daughter, yet she was arrested but here we KNOW that Zimmerman shot and kill Martin and he is still a free man.

In my opinion, I think that Zimmerman should be arrested and put on trial. There is no reason that a 28 year old man should shoot at a teenage boy. Can he really not defend himself against a teenager that much that he must go right to shooting the boy? I'm sure that a 28 year old man could defend himself without the use of a deadly weapon like that because fromt he look of Zimmermans pictures, he doesn't look like a weak little guy.

Part 2

The Florida "Stand Your Ground Law" is when a person is presumed to have a fear of death or great bodily harm to him or herself or another when using a defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another IF: (1) the person who the defensive force was used against is in the process of unlawfully entering a dwelling, residence, occupied vehicle, or if they were trying to forcfully remove a person from a dwelling, residence, occupied vehile or (2) the person using the defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry was occuring or had occured. In other words it has to do if someone was to forcefully invade your car or residence. In this case, Martin was not going to Zimmerman's car or residence, he was going to his father's girlfriend's house where he was to stay. There, Zimmerman is at fault.

In my opinion, I find that this law is right. If people want to invade your personl space such as your home or vehicle and you fear that you could be hurt or even die, you should be able toact upon that is a way that you choose. You have fear and they are breaking the law as well as into your own area.

However, this does not apply to this case. Martin was not goint to invade anything of Zimmerman's. Therefore Zimmerman is at fault, should be arrested, put on trial, and in my opinion, recieve the death penalty for killing another person. We already let Casey Anthony get away with murder, we cannot let this man get away with it also.

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