Thursday, March 15, 2012


The NFL is looking to advance technologically. Starting next year, the NFL will be implementing some new devices that will further advance the game. The refs will have handheld tablets that will make it much easier for them to make the right call. At the goal line, there will be a laser straight across that will let you know when the ball crosses the plane and it is a touchdown. Coaches will also have handheld tablets that will replace the laminate pieces of paper that coaches currently have on the sideline. This will make it much eaiser for coaches to scroll throgh the plays for thier players.

People are suggesting that it will make the game better by making it go by quicker. All these advances that I mentioned in the previous paragraph will make the game go by faster and get the calls more effient. This will make the game have a lot more of fair calls, therefore causing no controversy.

The way that things were done in the pass were not really advanced. The coaches had laminate play sheets and a headset that they would speak into to let the offensive captain know the play, having them relay the message to the players. The refs had to go to a special booth to review a play and make sure they got the call right and the same thing for whent they were unsure if the ball passed to goal line or not.

This will speed up the game because the calls will come a lot faster. They can get all he right calls in much a shorter time compared to the time it takes during a challang, for example,today. Also, the message from the coaches through their headset will go to each player. Therefore, there are no need for huddles and that will make make the game go by quicker.

Of course they should make these changes. The game is way behind technologically and by making these changes, they will be ahead of everyone else.

Part 2

At first, the NFL started off using hand signals to give signs to players that would stand for a certain play. Once they found out that this was very inefficient and that the signs could be picked up on quite easily, they started to using the laminate playcards and having the offensive captain run over to the sideline and get the play, and then relay it to the huddle. After that didn't work, they moved on to the laminate play cards, and the headset. The offensive captain would have a speaker in their helmet and then the coach would talk through his headset, that would relay into the captains helmet. Then the captain would relay that to the huddle and run the play. Now, they have moved on to the technological advances that this article talks about.

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