Monday, October 25, 2010

So basically, I got a lot of comments from my readers about the controversial topic of my favorite action figure. As you know, I wrote that I prefer blow up dolls. I just want you all to know that I did not intend for the people reading the answer to that question think that I was doing inappropriate things with the blow up dolls. Most of you thought that is what I was going for but that was not. I give you my sincere apology to everyone that thought those dirty thoughts. Even though it is partially your fault for having your mind go in that directions. But for this time, and this time only, I will take full responsibility for my actions. I should have made it clearer and easier for you people to pick out what I meant. I hope that you all understand and accept my apology even though you guys owe me and apology also for thinking that I would write about an R-rated subject in a G-rated area. Come on guys, you know me better than that. But like I said, I am taking full responsibility for this one and I hope you all understand.

Moving on to bigger better things, I am happy to announce that I had a great weekend. Just all in all it was great. The weekend started off with a bang Friday night when I went to work and made what gwap. It was a long night and I sort of had contact problems for the second week in a row, but I made it through the night and did my job. But Friday was the best day of the weekend considering the fact that the New York Yankees lost to the Texas Rangers which therefore eliminated the Yankees from the playoffs and sent the Rangers to the World Series. The next day was Saturday. That was also a pretty good day. It was incomparable to Friday considering the Yankees lose, but it was a great day. I went to Cracker Barrel for lunch and that was outstanding. I enjoyed it a lot. But that was the second time I was there in 2 weeks, so I think I’m going to take some time off from there. Sunday was also a very good day. It was football day and the Patriots won. Now they are pretty much the best team in the NFL.

Today, I have went through the whole day with one contact and let me tell you, it was pretty rough. I am going around closing my left eye so that I can see and people are looking at me like I am some retard. I don’t like when people look at me like I am some retard. It makes me feel bad about myself. The bad news is that my contacts won’t be in until next week which means I am going to be like this for a week. Hopefully I can make it through. It is going to be tough but I think that I can do it. If not, I just might have to drop out of school and wind up working at the post office. That is something that no one wants to do in their lifetime. Such a boring job. But anyway, the contact situation is pretty bad. Just now while writing this blog, one eye has been closed the whole time and I can barely see. Everyone that sits in the row in front of me is like, “what is this kid doing?’ But it will all get better soon.

Thank you!

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