Monday, October 18, 2010


Basically, this weekend I saw Jackass 3D in theaters. What an outstanding movie. In my opinion, it has to be one the best movies I have ever saw in my entire life. It was way better than Jackass 1 or Jackass 2. it was very inappropriate and I almost threw up at some points. So basically, I recommend this movie for everyone, Even for Alves's 9 year old son. Alves says,"he doesn't know what that it. He is 9." But if you watch TV and see previews for the movie than you are going to see it and want to see it. Alves was supposed to take us but he was being a mega loser and wouldn't. I asked him to take me to the midnight showing and he was being a super duper lame-o about it so I just waited til Saturday. And it was very much worth the wait. I would tell some parts of the movie on here but if I did I would probably be ban from blogger and expelled from school. So go see it for yourself.

Sunday was a good day. It was football day. The Patriots played the Ravens and what a game that was. It marked the return of a former Superbowl MVP in Deion Branch back to New England. What a game he had. That game could have been the longest game that I have ever watched in my life. The Pats won in overtime 23-20 but were losing the whole game and at one point it looked like they had no chance of coming back. But somehow their defense stepped it up and the offense picked it up and they ended up winning. I was in shock to tell you the truth. It was great though and I would have been very mad if they would have lost considering it would have put the Jets back in first place by a game. We wouldn't have that problem if they didn't beat us in week 2. Jets suck anyway so it doesn't matter.

Nothing else really to report. So now I will be answering some fan mail that I have recieved over the months:

Q: Is Aaron Alves really your favorite teacher?
A: You know, he is a great guy and everything. But sometimes he can be a little boring and ticked off. So saying that, he isn't my favorite teacher. Maybe if he was a little more perky, than he might make the cut. But he is a close second.

Q; What is your favorite action figure?
A: I don't really have a favorite action figure per say. But the one thing that I do like are blow up dolls. They are just outstanding. It is like they take the place of a real person and they keep you company. Say that you are just at home alone. Take the old blow up doll out of the closet and talk to it like it is you closest friend. They are a great way to not feel like a loner.

Q: Who is your role model?
A: This is a tough one. There are just so many people that I look up to and I just don't know. But if I had to pick one than I suppose I would pick Lawrence Taylor. When you look at him you know he is a good guy and that is what I want people to think about me.

So there you go. There is some fan mail questions. Thank you and keep send them. I love you guys.

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