Monday, August 30, 2010


Preformance enhancing drugs in my opinion are one of the worst things you could possibly do in any sport. Weather it is football, baseball, or even bowling, I think that taking drugs to help your preformance is digusting. Are you really that unsure of your talents that you have to take a drug to make yourself do better? If you made it to the top then you must be good enough to stay there or whoever you play for wouldn't want to do anything with you. I think that there should only be one shot. If you get caught with it once, you are done. Well, that is too harsh, maybe all your stats are erased and you have to start over again weather you were close to breaking a record or not. I just think that it is pathetic.

The article looks at it as if the people should not be looking at if they did preformance enhancing drugs. They see that there are far more worse things that you could do instead of that. Like betting aganist your own team or corking your bat. The author says that we waste too much time figuring out who did what and when they did it. And I agree with that. I see it as if the MLB spends way too long on weather or not someone took the juice and they really have other things to worry about.

In my opinion, I think that the records should be diminshed. For example, recently, A-Rod admitted to using preformance enhancing drugs. In my opinion, all the homeruns, rbi's and every other stat he has should be erased from the years that he says he took PED's. In my opinion it makes sense because at that point and time when he was taking those drugs, he was better than everyone else and it really wasnt fair to everyone else in the league.

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