Monday, August 30, 2010


Preformance enhancing drugs in my opinion are one of the worst things you could possibly do in any sport. Weather it is football, baseball, or even bowling, I think that taking drugs to help your preformance is digusting. Are you really that unsure of your talents that you have to take a drug to make yourself do better? If you made it to the top then you must be good enough to stay there or whoever you play for wouldn't want to do anything with you. I think that there should only be one shot. If you get caught with it once, you are done. Well, that is too harsh, maybe all your stats are erased and you have to start over again weather you were close to breaking a record or not. I just think that it is pathetic.

The article looks at it as if the people should not be looking at if they did preformance enhancing drugs. They see that there are far more worse things that you could do instead of that. Like betting aganist your own team or corking your bat. The author says that we waste too much time figuring out who did what and when they did it. And I agree with that. I see it as if the MLB spends way too long on weather or not someone took the juice and they really have other things to worry about.

In my opinion, I think that the records should be diminshed. For example, recently, A-Rod admitted to using preformance enhancing drugs. In my opinion, all the homeruns, rbi's and every other stat he has should be erased from the years that he says he took PED's. In my opinion it makes sense because at that point and time when he was taking those drugs, he was better than everyone else and it really wasnt fair to everyone else in the league.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This article is about the wonderful doctor James Andrews. He is probably the biggest sports doctor in the country and has done multiple surgeries on some of the top players around the world of sports. One example is Roger Clemens. He has done multiple surgeries on that man and in fact, after Clemens returned, he struck of 20 batters in one game. Andrews has also opened up multiple medical schools with some fellow doctors. Even though some of them did not work out, he has still stayed with it and has become the biggest sports doctor in the world of sports today.

Some of his clients include the wonderful Roger Clemens, Bo Jackson, John Smoltz, Tom Glavine and a whole bunch of others. Most of the ones that he did work on, have wnet back to their respective sport and done what they were used to do. Others infact, have not done that good and had to retire because they have kept having reoccuring injuries that have required surgery. In fact, on one of his patients, he had to do 9 surgeries until he finally go it right.

According to the article, a lot of althletes have went to Andrews. People go to Andrews because they know that he is the best and know that they will be treated right and the way that they should by a doctor. Some of them have went to Andrews for the first time and then have built personal relationships with the man and then have reffered other people to him. In fact, some of them have become such good friends with the guy that they have spent the night at his house. People also go to him because he does whatever it takes for his patients to get better and return to the way that they were before the injury. In one example, some football players got hurt in his hometown on a Friday night. The players, the coach, and the trainers showed up at Andrews house at 11 at night and Andrews took care of them in the middle of his living room. In fact, the ones that needed surgery he let sleep in the guest rooms upstairs til the morning when the surgery would start.

Some of the most famous cases would be the Roger Clemens case. He worked on Clemens shoulder and then when Clemens returned, he struck out 20 Seattle Mariners. Also, another famous case was the Phillip River case. That was when Rivers dove into the end-zone and then had players land on his arm which then led to his shoulder being seperated. Andrews worked on Rivers and now look at him, he is a pro bowl quaterback who consistently leads his team to the playoffs.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

Alright so this summer was proabably the best summer I've had in a while. I had a really good time this summer for the first time in a while. To start off, I had a bowling tournament for the first week of summer. As a matter of fact it was the state tournament. It is really no big deal it is just the state tournament. Ok, you caught me, it is a big deal and I did really well in it. I have no idea how my team placed but I am pretty sure that we did pretty well. It was in Spring Hill over by Tampa so it was a long ways away. But we almost got lost on the way there and almost eneded up in Disney which to tell you the truth would have been a grand old time. But the best part was that the hotel/motel that the league got for us was really bad and we had a smoking room. Yeah, a smoking room, who knew that they had those. But anyway our room smelt like smoke and the blankets on the bed looked like they had blood stains on them and I almost threw up. My mom called that room service and demanded new stuff and gues what? The ones we got back were still gross and stained. It basically looked like someone got shot in the hotel room. Then the TV went out for like half and hour and we couldn't watch TV. That was the worst part.

So, we came back from the tournament on a Sunday and then that Tuesday of that week we went to New Jersey. That was the best part of the whole summer. We stayed about 15 minutes away from the Jersey Shore and Boardwalk. We went to the Boardwalk multiple times. Then we drove and found the house that the cast of Jersey Shore stays at. What a beautiful sight to see when we got to that house. But we stayed at aa friends house up there and his son and I got along really good. They had a batting cage in the house and I used up like crazy. I hit a lot and i put llke 3 holes in the wall in the back. That is how furious I am when I hit the ball. To make you understand how hard I hit the ball I say it in simpler terms. When I hit, I imagine the ball is Ms. Swints head and I just tear the cover off the ball. We had a great time up there and I wish we were still up there.

Also, this summer I got a Universal annual pass. Now I'm going to have to say that buying that pass had to be the best investment I have ever made in my entire life. I got into the Harry Potter land, drank a butter beer, and when on the ride in the castle that people wait like 3 hours for. I did not wait 3 hours, I waited 45 minutes. I also went on the Rip Ride Rocket roller coaster twice. The first time was great and it was the last ride of the night. Then when I went back 3 weeks later I was wearing a hat and it almost flew off me on the ride. That would have been really bad but thank god I held on to it and it did not fly off my head.

Nothing else really went on this summer. It was a great summer and it went by way too fast. I need like 2 more weeks of summer but there is no way that I can get it now.

Thats it, and til next Monday.....