Monday, January 30, 2012


In exactly six days, it is the biggest sporting event of the year, the Superbowl, where the New York Giants will square off against the New England Patriots in a rematch of Superbowl 42. The hype around this game is tremendous and will have people tuning in from all around the world for the much anticipated rematch. Although, the game brings much excitment to not only the fans of the teams playing, but NFL fans in general, there are 10 things that are actually not so good about the big game, I know hard to believe.

The first reason is that tickets are so hard to get. It is nearly impossible to obtain a ticket to this event and if you jsut so happen to find a ticket, it may cost you an arm and a leg. Well not really, but you may have to take out another morgage on your home. That was a lie too. But it will cost you a great amount of money to sit and watch a game where you would be closer to the action if you were to just watch it on your living room couch.

Companies that buy ads during commerical time for the Superbowl, pay a lot of money for those measly 30 seconds. So what do they do? They raise their stock prices just because of they hype. For example, Doritos had a huge deal of success last year with their commercials so, there is a lot of hype of what they will do this year, and because of that, they can raise their stock prices.

Criminals love this event. It may be the best day of the year for them. They scam you by scalping fake tickets are a rediculous amount of money and then once the tickets are off their hands, they are no where to be found, and you are stuck outside the stadium with $2,500 less in your pocket.

Office pools have played a huge part in Superbowl week. Once the two participants are decided, office pools take place along with office bets and then it is estimated that there are at least a one billion dollar loss in productivity.

A lot of money is lost also. It is estimated that a total of 10 billion dollars are lost because of bets people bet such as "How many times will Peyton Manning be metioned?" or "Will Tom Brady throw for 280 yards?" Silly bets such as these are too unpreditable and that is why so much money is lost every year. But plenty of people do win also but they do not outweight the losers of the bets.

The ads in the game are what most people talk about. Not the game winning plays or whatever else happend in the game. More people car about the ads and just tune in for the ads.

The stadium in which the big game takes place is a huge target for terrorist attacks. With all the people that are not only in attendce but also watch the game at home, it is a prime target for terrorits and security is always on high alert during an event such as the Superbowl.

During this time, people throw parties and such. It is reported that at least 15% of Americans throw or attend parties for the big game. Also, it is reported that the following Monday is the biggest day to call in sick to work. Therefore, in some peoples' opinion, the game should be on that Saturday, so the drunks have time to recover on Sunday and will be ready for work on Monday.

Such an event, would be fantastic for the local economy, you would think. Wrong actually. For the bid, it takes a lot of upgrades and a lot of spending to make your city the most appealing for the big game. With all the money spent, you may win the bid and get the game in your city, but between all the hotels, tickets, and ect. you really just make back the money you spent to get the game in your city. So, it evens out, not so worth it.

If your team is in the Superbowl, it can be stressful. Actually, it is reported that a Superbowl loss had triggered an increase in heart attacks. So if your team is in the big game, just relax and remember, it is not a life or death situation, it is just game and has no effect on your life.

While reading this article, I learned that although the Superbowl may seem like a great event for the economy, it actually isn't and that all the money that a city spends to host the big game, they just make back to even out a zero. Also, about the heart attacks. At first glance I thought that it was joke or just a figure of speech. In all reality, it is true. Some people with their teams having a big play or loseing because of a big play, actually do sometimes go into cardiac arrest.

According to the article, a whopping 170 million people will tune into the game with a percentage of them just tuning in to the the commercials.

In my opinion, I think it is smart to advertise. You get a lot of people to see your product. But the cost is what is the downside. The price for you to show your product for 30 seconds is just insane, but if you do a good job, and make the people laugh at your commerical, your name will get out, your products will be purchased, and then in the end, it will all be worth it.

According to Stubhub, one ticket to the big game is going to cost you anywhere from $2,500 to $25,000 just to sit and watch a sport that has taken places every Sunday for the past 6 months. In a sense, it is rediculious but it is the Superbowl. The biggest sporting event of the year and they know with prices like that, people will buy in, ecpecially if they are a fan of one of the teams that are playing in the game.

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