Monday, December 5, 2011


This article is about college students picking easier majors even though they might lose out on some money. The article tells the story of a girl whose parents and guidence counslor thought that their student should major in engineering when she were to go to college. So, she listened and decided to major in engineering. She would later drop out due to the rigorous courses and low grades that she was getting. Then after doing some research, she found out that not many students graduate from college who have that major and then saw that people who major in human relations have a higher graduation percentage but don't make as much money. In the end, she saw that it was worth switching majors and after that, graduated college and has been working in human relations.

People are getting lesser degrees because they realize that their high school didn't really prepare them for the next level. Or maybe they picked the wrong major and they realize that if they were to switch majors then, they don't need a degree as big and can get a job in the real world with a lesser degree. This will eventually means that people will not need to go to college to get a well paying job. So, college will be almost out of the question.

They say that salaries are in the better jobs versus ones that graduates are taking are beacuse, when graduates just get out of college, they go right into the field they desire but they maybe aren't at the level that they want to and therefore must wait, work hard and hope for a promotion. When if people are just taking a job that they can get, they may not have to work as hard and might go right into a higher level with a high salary.

In my opinion, I still think that people should go to college and get a degree. You never know when it would really help you. And before going to college, really think about what you want to major in. Because, you don't want to major in one thing, realize it is not the right thing for you, and switch majors and that college not have the best program for that major.